harass me at your leisure, using any of these convenient methods (updated 2022.02!):

email to:
No, you have to do it manually!.
You'll have to type it in yourself to help save me, maybe, from more automated ejunkmail - note that I'll change the eddress yearly, theoretically.)
letter bombs:

post to:
ok we have a fix,move in!.
Best to use polonium since my letterbox is small.

heavy breathing:

ring to:
rangit!, but I forget to turn my telephone on a lot, and it turns itself off a lot (smart, phone!) and I ignore it the rest of the time. Can leave message though.
sticks and stones:

bust in to my lightly fortified rural compounds in Michigan and Alaska (I'm rarely there anyway).
нападения DOS:

серфинг к: Роберт Либерманн [ formerly://rjl.su ], but I got so fed up with putinissimo that I dropped my .ru & .su domains there, so this points to a local copy. I keep it, because you see how cleverly symmetrical - sort of - this page is?
shock and awe:

bomb me: coordinates 147°40'23.92"W, 64°55'20.1"N; you can be sure I'll welcome you with candy & flowers. (the link describes a former home, for my safety and yours).
DOS attack:

surf to: Liebermann [ http://liebermann.us ] for a list of URLs.
fire me:

march upon: US Forest Service, Hiawatha National Forest, St.Ignace, MI (but you'll never get past our guard dog [without petting and throwing her toy] - again, for my security!)

sms to the phone above, but I can't reply since it would take forever. It's dumb (so is yours).
[ rjl.us ]  [ contact ]
© 2022.02.15

(method #4)